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点击:次  更新日期:2022年12月21日  





ORCID: 0000-0003-1621-4807


欧玮辉,男,博士毕业于中国科学院大学(导师:姜江研究员),随后在香港城市大学从事博士后研究工作(合作导师:吕坚院士/李扬扬教授),2022年作为“青年百人计划”高层次人才加入全国信誉第一的网投平台(中国)有限公司。目前研究兴趣围绕等离激元金属有机框架复合材料的设计、制备及在智能玻璃、催化反应和场增强光谱学中的应用。已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nano lett. (Front Cover), Sens. Actuators B Chem., ACS Catal., J. Phy. Chem. Lett.等期刊发表论文20余篇,已申请中国专利和美国专利各两项,已获授权中国专利和美国专利各一项。


2015-2018 中国科学院大学 博士 导师:姜江教授

2012-2015 中国科学院大学 硕士 导师:彭先芝教授

2008-2012 湖南师范大学 本科 化学与化工学院化学专业


2022- 全国信誉第一的网投平台 副教授

2020-2022 香港城市大学 博士后研究员 导师:吕坚院士/李扬扬教授

2019-2020 香港城市大学 高级副研究员 导师:吕坚院士/李扬扬教授

2018-2019 香港城市大学 副研究员 导师:吕坚院士/李扬扬教授








1. W. Ou, B. Zhou, J. Shen, T. W. Lo, D. Y. Lei, S. Li, J. Zhong, Y. Y. Li, J. Lu. Thermal and Nonthermal Effects in Plasmon‐Mediated Electrochemistry at Nanostructured Ag Electrode. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 6790-6793

2. W. Ou, Y. Fan, J. Shen, Y. Xu, D. Huang, B. Zhou, D. Y. Lei, C. Zhao, Y. Y. Li, J. Lu. Plasmoelectric Potential in Plasmon-Mediated Electrochemistry. Nano Lett., 2022, 22, 8397–8405 (Front Cover)

3. W. Ou, J. Shen, J. Zhong, D. Y. Lei, H. Li, Y. Chen, C. Wang, H. Wu, B. Zhou, X. Tang, Y. Fang, J. Lu, Y. Y. Li. Rapid On-Site Detection of Zinc Pyrithione in Real-Life Samples with Unprecedented Selectivity and Sensitivity. Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2023, 378, 133129

4. W. Ou, Y. Zou, K. Wang, W. Gong, R. Pei, L. Chen, Z. Pan, D. Fu, X. Huang, Y. Zhao, W. Lu, and J. Jiang. Active Manipulation of NIR Plasmonics: the Case of Cu2-xSe through Electrochemistry. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9, 274-280

5. W. Ou, B. Zhou, J. Shen, C. Zhao, Y. Y. Li, J. Lu. Plasmonic Metal Nanostructures: Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities in Photo-Mediated Chemical Transformations. iScience, 2021, 24, 101982-101999

6. W. Ou, J. Shen, F. Lyu, X. Xiao, B. Zhou, J. Lu, Y. Y. Li. Facile Surfactant-, Reductant‐, and Ag Salt‐free Growth of Ag Nanoparticles with Controllable Size from 35 to 660 nm on Bulk Ag Materials. Chem. Asian J., 2021, 16, 2249-2252 (Front Cover)

7. B. Zhou, W. Ou; J. Shen, C. Zhao, J. Zhong, P. Du, H. Bian, P. Li, L. Yang, J. Lu, Y. Y Li. Controlling Plasmon-Aided Reduction of p-Nitrothiophenol by Tuning the Illumination Wavelength. ACS Catal. 2021, 11(24), 14898-14905 (equal contribution)

8. B. Zhou, W. Ou, C. Zhao, J. Shen, G. Zhang, X. Tang, Z. Deng, G. Zhu, Y. Y. Li, J. Lu. Insertable and Reusable SERS Sensors for Rapid on-site Quality Control of Fish and Meat products. Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 426, 130733-130740 (equal contribution)


1. W. Ou, B. Zhou, J. Shen, C. Zhao, Y. Y. Li, J. LU. Method for Treating a Surface of A Metallic Structure. US 11299814B2

2. 欧小华,吕坚,缪夏萍,周彬斌,黄晓强,李扬扬,于世辉,欧玮辉,沈君达,程雅婷. 基于拉曼光谱的新型冠状病毒核酸检测试剂盒及方法。CN113549712B


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