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叶明晖,Minghui Ye






个人简述:叶明晖,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中共党员。2019年9月作为全国信誉第一的网投平台“青年百人计划”引进人才加入全国信誉第一的网投平台。近年来主要从事2D碳材料的官能团修饰和功能化、二次电池等相关领域的基础研究。以第一/通讯作者在Joule、ACS Nano、Nano Energy、Advanced Functional Materials、Energy Storage Materials等国际期刊上发表SCI收录论文17篇,合作发表40余篇,H因子21,SCI论文他引次数近1700余次。主持国家自然科学青年基金项目和广州市基础与应用基础研究项目各一项。

团队简介:先进储能材料与器件团队负责人为李成超教授,5名团队成员中包括国家高层次人才1人(李成超),全国信誉第一的网投平台“青年百人”计划教授1人(刘晓庆),副教授3人(唐永超,叶明晖、张宇斐),均有长期海外留学及重点实验室工作经历。目前,团队主要从事高性能储能材料设计制备及新储能体系的探索研究,针对高比能、长寿命能源存储器件的迫切需求,从高效电极材料的微纳结构设计出发,深入探索电极的工作机理和衰退机制,解决金属离子电池能量/功率密度不足和循环寿命差等根本问题,现有在读硕士和博士研究生20多名。迄今,团队在Journal of American Chemical Society、Angewandte Chemie、Advanced MaterialsEnergy & Environmental Science等国际期刊发表论文100多篇,其中ESI高引用论文10余篇,承担国家自然科学基金8项,省部级课题6项,获得省部级奖励2项,同时与国内多家企业保持产学研合作,从事高性能储能电池的研发。此外,团队与新加坡、法国、韩国及国内多个大学、科研院所保持研究交流与合作。/kxyj1/kytd/xjcnclyqjtd.htm

主要研究方向:(1) 水系锌金属负极界面离子/电子传输行为调控; (2) 高电压二次碱金属(离子)电池的设计与构筑


2012.09 ─ 2018.07 北京理工大学,化学与化工学院,理学博士, 导师:曲良体 教授

2018.08 ─ 2019.08 韩国汉阳大学,能源工程系,博士后,导师:Yang-Kook Sun 教授

2019.09 ─ 至今 全国信誉第一的网投平台,全国信誉第一的网投平台,能源化工系,副教授


1. 国家自然科学青年基金,无枝晶钾金属负极界面合金构建与碳载体调控的机理研究。2021.01−2023.12,主持,在研

2. 广州市基础研究计划-基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类)2021.04−2023.04,主持,在研

3. 全国信誉第一的网投平台青年百人计划启动项目,2019.09−2024.09,主持,在研


Research Gate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Minghui-Ye/publications

ORCID: 0000-0003-2779-2557

1. Minghui Ye, Zhipan Zhang,* Yang Zhao, Liangti Qu,* Graphene platforms for smart energy generation and storage. Joule, 2018, 2, 245. (IF=46.0)

2. Minghui Ye, Jang-Yeon Hwang, Yang-Kook Sun*, A 4 V class potassium metal battery with extremely low overpotential. ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 9306. (IF=18.0)

3. Minghui Ye,# Xuting Jin,# Xuanxu Nan, Jian Gao, Liangti Qu,* Paraffin wax protecting 3D non-dendritic lithium for backside plated lithium metal anode. Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 24, 153. (IF=20.8)

4. Minghui Ye, Yukun Xiao, Zhihua Cheng, Linfan Cui, Lan Jiang, Liangti Qu,* A smart, anti-piercing and eliminating-dendrite lithium metal battery. Nano Energy, 2018, 49, 403. (IF =19.0)

5. Shengzhao Zhang, Minghui Ye,* Yufei Zhang, Yongchao Tang, Xiaoqing Liu, Cheng Chao Li,* Regulation of ionic distribution and desolvation activation energy enabled by in-site zinc phosphate protective layer toward highly reversible zinc metal anodes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2208230. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202208230. (IF=19.9)

6. Shunzhang You, Dao-Sheng Liu, Minghui Ye,* Yufei Zhang, Yongchao Tang, Xiaoqing Liu, Cheng Chao Li,* Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) based multi-functional interface layer toward highly reversible Zn metal anodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 139907. (IF=16.7)

7. Jianping Yan, Minghui Ye,* Yufei Zhang, Yongchao Tang, Cheng Chao Li,* Layered zirconium phosphate-based artificial solid electrolyte interface with zinc ion channels towards dendrite-free Zn metal anodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 432, 134227. (IF=16.7)

8. Minghui Ye,# Shunzhang You,# Jiaming Xiong, Yang Yang, Yufei Zhang, Cheng Chao Li,* In-situ construction of a NaF-rich cathode electrolyte interface on Prussian blue toward a 3000-cycle-life sodium-ion battery. Materials Today Energy, 2022, 23, 100898. (IF=9.2)

9. Jianping Yan, Minghui Ye,* Yufei Zhang, Yongchao Tang, Xiaoqing Liu, Cheng Chao Li,* Graphene-enabled electric-field regulation and ionic redistribution around lithiophilic aurum nanoparticles toward a dendrite-free and 2000-cycle-life lithium metal battery. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202201151. (IF=5.0)

10. Jiaming Xiong, Minghui Ye*, Zhijian Wang, Jiajun Chen, Yufei Zhang, Yongchao Tang, Cheng Chao Li,* Fast and homogeneous ion regulation toward a 4 V, high-rate and dendrite-free potassium metal battery. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 442, 135927. (IF=16.7)

11. Shunzhang You, Minghui Ye,* Jiaming Xiong, Zuyang Hu, Yufei Zhang, Yang Yang, Cheng Chao Li,* Interfacial protection engineering of sodium nanoparticles toward dendrite-free and long-life sodium metal battery. Small, 2021, 17, 2102400. (IF=15.1)

12. Minghui Ye, Wengao Zhao, Jinhao Li, Yang Yang, Yufei Zhang, Guanhua Zhang, Cheng Chao Li,* Integration of localized electric-field redistribution and interfacial tin nanocoating of lithium microparticles toward long-life lithium metal batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 650. (IF=10.3)

13. Minghui Ye, Huhu Cheng, Jian Gao, Changxia Li, Liangti Qu,* A respiration-detective graphene oxide/lithium battery. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 19154. (IF=14.5)

14. Minghui Ye, Zelin Dong, Chuangang Hu, Huhu Cheng, Huibo Shao, Nan Chen, Liangti Qu,* Uniquely arranged graphene-on-graphene structure as a binder-free anode for high performance lithium-ion batteries. Small, 2014, 10, 5035. (IF=15.1)

15. Minghui Ye, Changxia Li, Yang Zhao, Liangti Qu,* Graphene decorated with bimodal size of carbon polyhedrons for enhanced lithium storage. Carbon, 2016, 106, 9. (IF=11.3)

16. Minghui Ye, Jian Gao, Yukun Xiao, Tong Xu, Yang Zhao, Liangti Qu,* Metal/graphene oxide batteries. Carbon, 2017, 125, 299. (IF=11.3)

17. Minghui Ye, Chuangang Hu, Lingxiao Lv, Liangti Qu,* Graphene-winged carbon nanotubes as high-performance lithium-ion batteries anode with super-long cycle life. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 305, 106. (IF=9.8)


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